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Le logo Du Cleaner Icône de signe.
Le logo Du Cleaner Icône de signe.

DU Cleaner
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La description

Thais Martiniano
Liberte espaço apagando arquivos e cache em seu smartphone
U Cleaner is an app that lets you clean out your Android device cache and delete all those useless files that are just taking up precious memory space on your phone or tablet. This app is especially noteworthy because of just how easy it is to use. All you need to do is tap your screen, wait a few seconds, and reconfirm this task. In less than a minute, you'll be done. Another of the tasks that DU Cleaner manages for you is eliminating APK files that you've already installed. It's pretty common to download an APK, install it on your phone, and then completely forget about the APK leaving it in your download file. That's where DU Cleaner comes into play. If you don't want those extra APK files, this app completely eliminates them within seconds. DU Cleaner is a great tool for keeping your device in tiptop shape. Also, unlike other similar apps, it takes up very little space (less than 5MB).