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Le logo Too Many Dangers Icône de signe.

Too Many Dangers

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La description

Fuja deste Tiranossauro... se puder
oo Many Dangers is an endless runner where you play as a caveman who's trying to escape from the ferocious jaws of a tyrannosaurus. The problem is that, along the way, you'll encounter plenty of other obstacles as well. Gameplay in Too Many Dangers is simple: by tapping the left part of the screen, you can switch between two tracks, and by tapping the right part, you can jump. If you double tap on the right side of the screen, you can also double jump. As you play, you'll encounter all kinds of obstacles: potholes, giant bones, acidic puddles, giant carnivorous plants, and other dinosaurs... all of which can kill you. Luckily, you can also collect coins along the way which you can use to unlock tons of power-ups. Too Many Dangers is a great endless runner. And even though it doesn't offer anything new, it's still a lot of fun to play. It might not be the best game from Ketchapp, but it's still pretty solid.