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Le logo Wizard Swipe Icône de signe.
Le logo Wizard Swipe Icône de signe.

Wizard Swipe

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La description

Dispare bolas de fogo contra todos os esqueletos
izard Swipe is an arcade game where you have to fight hundreds of skeletons using a wide range of spells. To start you have just one spell – the fireball one – which you can use by swiping in the direction you want to throw it. As you beat levels, you can unlock new spells. The ice spell, for example, lets you freeze a group of enemies for a few seconds – in which time you can cast other spells on them to destroy them for good. In all you can unlock more than a half dozen different spells. The more you advance, the harder it becomes to beat your enemies. In the first levels, you face normal skeletons, but later you have to go up against skeletons with armor, wizard skeletons, and many other types of skeletons. Wizard Swipe is actually a super entertaining action game. While it doesn't offer a particularly original or revolutionary approach, it should still manage to hook you for hours and hours.