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Le logo Password Reset Ultimate Icône de signe.

Password Reset Ultimate
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Acesse seu computador mesmo sem a senha
f you've ever tried to access your computer but couldn't remember the password, then this Windows application is for you. Password Reset Ultimate can quickly solve this problem by creating an ISO boot disk image to restart your computer if you've forgotten the password. To use this virtual book disk, you'll first have to select the type of memory device where you want to store it. You can run it from a CD/DVD or a USB pen drive. Once you've chosen the device, all you have to do is tap on the 'burn' button to start burning the image. Once you have your ISO image mounted, all you have to do is connect it to your computer and have the computer boot from the external memory via the BIOS. This way, your computer won't restart from its internal hard drive, which would require the forgotten password. Thanks to Password Reset Ultimate, you can access Windows on your computer even if you've forgotten the password. All you have to do is create a virtual boot image on an external memory device and follow a few easy steps to restart your computer without having to enter your password.