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Le logo Softcopy Icône de signe.
Le logo Softcopy Icône de signe.


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La description

Imprima documentos em PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, e TIFF
oftCopy is a virtual printer to convert any document into multiple different formats (BMP, PNG, JPEG, TIFF, and PDF), enabling you to work with more common formats than those typically used by virtual printers. You just have to install the program and set SoftCopy as the default printer. When you want to print any document, you just have to choose your preferred output format, and in just a moment your image will be available. You can choose between printing it in PDF (the most requested format), or any other format you might need. For instance, you can use it to add screenshots of one document inside another, or simply to print invoices or digital receipts for online purchases.